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Friday 1 February 2013

Wk 17. Jaeda P3B

THE LOST KEY One day, there was a man whose name is John and he lived in a village. So one day, he went out hunting with his dog and gun. As he was walking he stepped on something but did not know what it is, so he removed his leg and he saw a key. He recognized the key, belonging to his neighbour who had gone hunting the other day and lost the key. He picked it up and returned home to give the key back to his neighbour. The neighbour was glad to have his key back, he thanked Mr. John.


Anonymous said...

Hello Jaeda,

I am so glad that the lost key could be returned to its owner. I wonder what it was a key from?

You have used some good connectives to extend your sentences. Be careful at the beginning - the man wasn't a man for one day, but one day he did go out hunting!

Well done
Mrs W
Flamborough, East Yorkshire, England
I've put that as my class always ask me where the commenter is from and I had to send an email to Ms Bankole to ask her once.

Keep writing!

Kittiwake said...

Hello Jaeda,

I am so glad that the lost key could be returned to its owner. I wonder what it was a key from?

You have used some good connectives to extend your sentences. Be careful at the beginning - the man wasn't a man for one day, but one day he did go out hunting!

Well done
Mrs W
Flamborough, East Yorkshire, England
I've put that as my class always ask me where the commenter is from and I had to send an email to Ms Bankole to ask her once.

Keep writing!